
Showing posts from July, 2012

Setting up HTTPS support for WAMP

If you use WAMP to get local PHP server, you might run into issues to set up the HTTPS. The following step-by-step tutorial indeed helped me, and I think it would be useful to re-post it. Recently I had to run a website with several https links under local server for testing and I had to configure the Open SSL server that comes with WAMP server. I'm sure it would be helpful for you as well. First thing first, we need to create that self-signed SSL certificate, so go to DOS command prompt (Start menu -> Run -> cmd). ext, we need to navigate to the directory that contains the openssl executive file which is located in folder C:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.2.11\bin by default. In order to go there, we need to type the command as follows. Code: Select all cd\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.2.11\bin After press Enter, your prompt should change as follows Code: Select all c:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.2.11\bin> From there, we begin to create the self-signed SSL certificate and...

jQuery 2.0, planned for early 2013, will drop the support for IE6-7-8

Sky High Code: jQuery 2.0 ends WinXP support - Good. Interesting article, interesting news from jQuery! It is seriously great step for jQuery to stop the support of IE8,7,6, depicting overall programmers opinion about these versions. As what jQuery officials have explained on ( source ), all those hooks used to fix oldIE compatibility issues made the jQuery run slower for modern browsers. Minding the percentage of IE6-7-8 users, this is a logical step forward. Luckily, starting from early 2013, when this change is planned, would mean adding a simple condition checking whether browser is IE8- and loading jQuery1.9, and otherwise loading jQuery2.0. I could imagine a issues that people using CDN and latest jQuery versions would come up with, if they forget to make the correct condition switch. However, 1) If my clients aren't willing to stay current, then it's time for me to find new clients I dont think everyone can change their clients like that. Even suggesting to...