
Showing posts from February, 2013

Javascript highlighter, markup editor, WYSIWYG editor plugins

Depends on what you need, but the following plugins are available in terms of markup presenting/editing plugins I would divide into three main types, Syntax Highlighter plugins - it highlights a code so that it is easier to read Markup editor plugins - turns textareas into rich and powerful markup editors WYSIWYG editor plugins - high level editors for end-users Syntax Highlighter plugins  So far, I have seen several of them: SyntaxHighlighter plugin [demo] [github] or [demo] [github] Snippet [link] Google Prettify [link]   Hightlight.js [link]   SHJS [link]   Chilli JS [link]   beautyOfCode [link] Lighter.js [link] DlHighlight [link] JUSH [link] Markup editor plugins CodeMirror [link] along with CodeMirror UI [link]   MarkItUp! [link] SmartMarkUP [link]   WYSIWYG editor plugins  I personally really like those inline-smooth editors, so in that regard I have places a little star on those that cought my...

Customizing the JAXB marshalling/unmarshalling

The following example is used for customizing the way how the dates are being parsed, but it could be used for any other specific customizing import java . text . SimpleDateFormat ; import java . util . Date ; import javax . xml . bind . annotation . adapters . XmlAdapter ; public class DateAdapter extends XmlAdapter < String , Date > { private SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat ( "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" ); @Override public String marshal ( Date v ) throws Exception { return dateFormat . format ( v ); } @Override public Date unmarshal ( String v ) throws Exception { return dateFormat . parse ( v ); } } which then as adapter can be used to customize marshalling/unmarshalling... import java . util . Date ; import javax . xml . bind . annotation . XmlAccessorType ; import javax . xml . bind . annotation . XmlAccessType ; import javax . xml . bind . annot...

Seven habits of highly effective programmers

Very interesting article