
Showing posts from 2014

CodeAnywhere, (thumbsup)!

I started some mini javascript project of my own, so needed to create a relatively simplistic development environment. However, this environment has some constrains: - it should not require install (portable to many different devices), - it should connect to my Dropbox  account. For that purpose, I came across CodeAnywhere  website, where you can for free set up your account and connect your dropbox account and immediately start working. However, the internal browser that they have is running through their proxy, which causes a number of issues for my javascript development, so I am not using it.

What makes SAS Enterprise Guide not a mature application ...

Ok, before I start expressing my opinion about SAS Enterprise Guide and SAS Base Programming, I would like to make a quick introduction of my technical experience and expertise. Throughout 7-8 years of my professional life, I have been using in great extent software tools like MATLAB, and have been programming enterprise applications in Java/Spring. In last 6 months I am introducing myself to SAS World. Version I am working on is SAS Enterprise Guide 9.4. For a system that still uses programming model (SAS Base) of 80s, a graphical interface which visually shows how the process is being executed is a great refreshment. There are many options on dealing with data and doing analysis on it, making it very comfortable tool to easily build a large data manipulation process. Basic Application use issues: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object". It relatively often happens (every 4 days of 8h daily use of SAS Enterprise Guide) that the file you think yo...

Small C code to convert german text to old ASCII-DE encoding

I had a task to convert a UTF-8 or ISO-8859-2 encoding german text (names, addresses,...) into a 7bit ISO-646-DE (ASCII-DE) encoding. Since this encoding almost is non-existent, it was a bit difficult to find on Google search any example of such a conversion. I decided to be that sucker to write it :) I know this is not really the best code ever, but does its job.

Getting list of files from a folder in a text file

I keep always forgetting the exact parameters to use, and need to write this down somewhere :) It might also be helpful for others:  In Windows: Windows Unix/Linux/OS X dir /b >folderlist.txt ls > folderlist.txt and if you also want to see the subfolders with their full paths: Windows Unix/Linux/OS X dir /b /s >folderlist.txt ls -R > folderlist.txt

How to convert Integer into String with leading zeros in Java

This is pretty easy task, but I keep on forgetting it:

Batch Resize Images in Mac OS

To resize all the images to maximum height of 640px sips -Z 640 *.jpg To resize all the images to maximum width of 400px sips --resampleWidth 400 *.jpg To resize SVG files in Mac OS, you can use the rsvg library install it with: brew install -v librsvg and then run it with the following shell line: for i in *; do rsvg-convert $i -w 100 -h 100 -f svg -o `echo new/$i`; done This takes all the svg files in the folder, resizes it and copies the result into new/ folder

jBPM bpmn designer validation errors

Ok, you must agree with me on this one. It is not nice to develop in environment where you get an errors on unknown location. Well, errors are fine, it is part of software development, but when you are not able to see any details of where the error comes from, it gets to waste enormous amount of time to dig out why such error happens. I got such errors when I try to use jBPM eclipse environment to try implementing BPM process using an external bpmn file. Since bpm is created in one of those graphical eye-candy oriented BPM modelling software (with little or no support for bpmn validation), I could imagine there are some  pieces (details) missing within bpmn. No Interface found - According to BPMN standard, every Service Task needs to be defined with a proper service operations. If such is not defined for any of the service tasks within your bpm file, you will get this error. No Item definitions found - tbd. If I come up to some more of these errors, I will add them here....

Resize of svg icons from command line

This post would probably only useful to me, but, it is possible to change the size of svg files using XSLT (why would one need to change size of vector graphics??? Well, there are cases where there are no means to scale the images) I had a bunch of files which I needed to resize into a proper size (in my case, 16px x 16px icons), and was looking for a easy solution. Since I knew svg is xml-based vector graphics, I was hoping to find example similar to I used the xsl file from the post on, with adding the 16x16px as a target scale. Command line to run: xsltproc --stringparam scale 2.5 bigger.xsl in.svg >out.svg <?xml version="1.0"?> <!-- bigger.xsl $Id$ Author: Terry Brown Created: Thu Sep 25 2008 --> <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns:sodipodi="http://sodipodi.sour...

Create a new Custom Form Field in Vaadin

I am writing this post because of multiple solutions shown on web, which due to multiple drastic implementational changes during Vaadin development (most notably Vaadin 6 to Vaadin 7). How to create a new custom form field, so that it can easily be integrated into FormLayout. Simplest way so far is to extend CustomField class. Here is the example