Testing developments for different versions of Internet Explorer

I found excellent article on development environments different IE versions review, made By

Article can be found here

I usually tend to take all the context from the page into this blog to make sure it exist also after the page disappears (you will be surprised how fast link gets changed, wither due to change of the link itself, or to site being closed down due to whatever reasons). This time I'll give it a risk.

Just as a summary, for fast and simple testing, use F12 development mode, and for more detailed test, use the virtual machines and IECollection (you have to get yourself licensed versions of Windows (XP, Vista, and 7)), or use the Windows Virtual PC VHDs (read Notes, max 90 days of being able to permanently save any changes, made on the images).

As a long time user of Virtual machines, I do like to use virtual machines, like VMware or VirtualBox, but still, the easiest way so far is to use F12 developer mode button on IE, and set the browser version to one you require.


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