Today I listened a really nice clean-code google talk about bad practice of using IFs, and how much polymorphism helps out there. It is amazing to see how nicer code becomes, and how easy it is for a programmers to go into routine of making if/switch statements for no reason.
All methods mentioned there are not new at all, but having it here shown reminds you on what and how should you think when programming.
Exporting Skype Chat/Skype Contacts to csv file using the shell script and sqlite3 (usually already installed on mac)
Edit: a very first draft version of Skype Exporter have been made and released. check it, and report any issues to I heard there are not so many nice ways to get the chat history from skype, so I came across a page of one guy who shows a way to open the sql chat history database and delete all conversations. I thought to make something more from that idea (as delete chat history is now one of the options in skype) Create a file place either this text: sqlite3 -batch "$HOME/Library/Application Support/Skype/$1/main.db" < <EOF .mode csv .output $2.csv select * from Messages where dialog_partner = '$2'; .output stdout .exit EOF now make the script executable by running chmod +x now, when you want to export some chat history from certain person, you can do it by: sh your_skype_name your_friends_skype_name and i...