I have invested some to learn and summarize Optimization strategies of Deep Neural Networks. I created a mind map to help me to remember/structure all possibilities.
Edit: a very first draft version of Skype Exporter have been made and released. https://github.com/renesto/SkypeExportSwift/releases check it, and report any issues to renesto-at-gmail.com I heard there are not so many nice ways to get the chat history from skype, so I came across a page of one guy who shows a way to open the sql chat history database and delete all conversations. I thought to make something more from that idea (as delete chat history is now one of the options in skype) Create a file exportFromSkype.sh place either this text: sqlite3 -batch "$HOME/Library/Application Support/Skype/$1/main.db" < <EOF .mode csv .output $2.csv select * from Messages where dialog_partner = '$2'; .output stdout .exit EOF now make the script executable by running chmod +x exportFromSkype.sh now, when you want to export some chat history from certain person, you can do it by: sh exportFromSkype.sh your_skype_name your_friends_skype_name and i...
I came across very nice short explanation of the differences between == and === comparison operators. I have copied this into my blog just in case the post gets deleted from stackoverflow for whatever reason. The identity (===) operator behaves identically to the equality (==) operator except no type conversion is done, and the types must be the same to be considered equal. Reference: Javascript Tutorial: Comparison Operators The == operator will compare for equality after doing any necessary type conversions . The === operator will not do the conversion, so if two values are not the same type === will simply return false. It's this case where === will be faster, and may return a different result than ==. In all other cases performance will be the same. To quote Douglas Crockford's excellent JavaScript: The Good Parts , JavaScript has two sets of equality operators: === and !== , and their evil twins == and != . The good ones work the way you would expect. ...
I started some mini javascript project of my own, so needed to create a relatively simplistic development environment. However, this environment has some constrains: - it should not require install (portable to many different devices), - it should connect to my Dropbox account. For that purpose, I came across CodeAnywhere website, where you can for free set up your account and connect your dropbox account and immediately start working. However, the internal browser that they have is running through their proxy, which causes a number of issues for my javascript development, so I am not using it.