Changing communication channel and RF Power

To change default communication channel and RF Power you can either:
1) edit opt/tinyos-1.x/tos/lib/CC2420Radio/CC2420Const.h
CC2420_DEF_CHANNEL 11 (this is default value)
CC2420_DEF_RFPOWER 0x1f (31, maximum, if you for example want to test multihop routing easiest way is to make RFPOWER smaller)

2) add line in Makefile
CC2420_DEF_RFPOWER= 0x1f

3) change it in program by colling function from CC2420Control interface, called:
SetRFPower(uint8_t power);


Unknown said…
hey thanks a lot man I'm also working on TOS currently there isn't really much sources to look into. u have actually inspired me to start my own blog

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